Imagen How can I efficiently keep track of edits when working on multiple projects simultaneously? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

How can I efficiently keep track of edits when working on multiple projects simultaneously?

Asked a year ago

Hello everyone! I often find myself juggling multiple photography projects at once, and keeping track of the edits for each project can get quite chaotic. Any pro tips on how to efficiently manage and organize my edits when working on multiple projects simultaneously? I want to avoid confusion and ensure that each project receives the attention it deserves. How do you stay organized and on top of things during busy times? Your advice would be a lifesaver!

Danielle Jenkins

Friday, July 28, 2023

Organize projects with folder names, containing RAW and corresponding xmp files to safeguard edits. Prioritize projects with closer deadlines for prompt delivery. Send final results quickly to accommodate client revisions promptly. This efficient workflow ensures smooth project management and client satisfaction.

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