Imagen Any tips on approaches for managing a large volume of images? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

Any tips on approaches for managing a large volume of images?

Asked a year ago

Hello everyone! I've recently been dealing with a large volume of images from various photography projects, and it's becoming quite overwhelming to manage them all effectively. Any tips you can share on how to handle a substantial number of images without losing track of them? How do you stay organized and avoid feeling buried under the workload? I'd love some guidance on streamlining my image management process and keeping my sanity intact!

Jennifer Lamb

Friday, July 28, 2023

Organize projects into folders. Edit in batches, starting with a manageable number (e.g., 50 images). Mark edited RAW files with green tags to avoid reediting. Progress to the next project, returning later to complete the previous ones. This method prevents overwhelm and enhances productivity throughout your workflow.

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