Imagen How can I efficiently batch process images while still maintaining individualized adjustments? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

How can I efficiently batch process images while still maintaining individualized adjustments?

Asked a year ago

Hello, I've got a large batch of images from a recent shoot that I need to process, but I also want to preserve the uniqueness of each photo with individualized adjustments. Is there a way to efficiently batch process these images while still allowing for personalized edits on each one? Any suggestions would be awesome! Thanks a bunch!

Trent Aguirre

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Open all images in Camera Raw and edit the first one. For consistent settings and lighting, copy-paste edits to the others. Use Camera Raw's color marking to separate specific images for unique adjustments, even in a batch of 500 photos. This streamlines and simplifies the editing process.

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