Imagen What are the essential steps to include in a streamlined photo editing workflow? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

What are the essential steps to include in a streamlined photo editing workflow?

Asked a year ago

Hello there, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with my photo editing process lately, and I think it's time to streamline my workflow. I want to make it more efficient and organized while ensuring I don't miss any crucial steps in the editing process. Can anyone share their essential steps or best practices for creating a streamlined photo editing workflow? I'd love to hear your recommendations and make my editing journey much smoother. TY

Nolan Swanson

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Avoid excessive editing; maintain a consistent style without drastic color changes. Select a preferred color grading style and create presets accordingly. Adjust shadows, exposure, and highlights to achieve your desired look, while preserving the product's original colors, especially for beauty products in product photography.

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