Imagen How can I achieve a consistent editing style for my photography portfolio? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

How can I achieve a consistent editing style for my photography portfolio?

Asked 9 months ago

Hello everyone, I've been working on curating my photography portfolio, and one thing I've been struggling with is achieving a consistent editing style across all my images. I want my portfolio to have a cohesive look and feel that reflects my unique artistic vision. Any tips or tricks on how to develop and maintain a consistent editing style that will tie all my photographs together beautifully? Looking forward to hearing your insights! Thanks a ton!

Dwayne Bond

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Choose a consistent editing style for your chosen photography type, be it landscape or product. Create your own presets to apply uniform adjustments to all images, keeping colors consistent. Only tweak exposure, shadows, etc., but avoid major color changes. This ensures a cohesive and professional portfolio.

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