Imagen What are the must-have shots to capture during a wedding ceremony? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

What are the must-have shots to capture during a wedding ceremony?

Asked 10 months ago

Hi there, fellow wedding photographers! I'm currently preparing for an upcoming wedding shoot and wanted to seek your valuable insights. When it comes to capturing moments during a wedding ceremony, what are the must-have shots that you prioritize? I'm particularly interested in the key moments and angles that help tell the story of the couple's special day. Your expertise would be immensely helpful in ensuring I don't miss any crucial shots to create a memorable wedding album. Thanks in advance for sharing your recommendations!

Jaydin Conley

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Capturing memorable moments at a wedding ceremony entails focusing on various key instances. These include candid shots of the couple preparing for the ceremony, their entrance, shared glances, laughter, hand-holding, document signing, vows, and the kiss. Simultaneously, it's important to document the emotions of the guests.

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