Imagen Go-to approach for adding a touch of cinematic flair to edited wedding photos? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

Go-to approach for adding a touch of cinematic flair to edited wedding photos?

Asked a year ago

Hi, fellow photographers! Adding a touch of cinematic flair to wedding photos can make them truly special. What's your go-to approach for achieving this cinematic look in your edited wedding photos? Whether it involves color grading, composition, or specific editing effects, please share your techniques and creative ideas to help me enhance the storytelling aspect of my wedding photos.

Raphael Shea

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Achieving a cinematic effect in wedding photos involves playing with color tones (yellow, orange, red, blue, and black/shadows), noise, exposure, texture, and whites/blacks. Experiment with presets or create your own to achieve your desired cinematic look.

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