Imagen What are the best methods for color grading landscape photos? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

What are the best methods for color grading landscape photos?

Asked a year ago

Hello everyone! I've recently started doing landscape photography, and while I'm capturing some great shots, I'm struggling a bit in the post-processing stage, especially with color grading. I want to convey the natural beauty and mood of the scene, but I'm unsure of the best methods or techniques to use. For those experienced in landscape photography, can you share your favorite color grading tips or methods? Thanks so much for any advice!

Harrison Dawson

Monday, August 21, 2023

Dive into comprehensive image editing by experimenting with an array of settings. Explore temperature, shadow, saturation, and vibrance adjustments. The color mixer feature, particularly manipulating green and orange tones for landscapes, enables you to craft personalized presets and establish a signature style.

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