Imagen How to achieve a balance between vibrant colors and a natural aesthetic in outdoor wedding edits? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

How to achieve a balance between vibrant colors and a natural aesthetic in outdoor wedding edits?

Asked a year ago

Hey, photography enthusiasts! Achieving a balance between vibrant colors and a natural aesthetic in outdoor wedding edits is a common goal. I'd appreciate any advice or techniques you use to strike this balance effectively. Whether it's color correction, saturation adjustments, or creative color grading, please share your insights on creating visually captivating outdoor wedding photos.

Reid Vega

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Vibrant colors with a natural aesthetic are attainable with selective adjustments. Focus on key colors and use them thoughtfully. Outdoor shots require careful camera settings, including a small aperture, low ISO, and proper white balance, with further adjustments in post-processing.

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