Michele Dell‘utri

Body Language B&W

About Michele

Michele’s goal is for his photos to embody the real sentiment of the wedding day without frills. He loves when couples tell him that they relive the emotions of the day over and over again as they leaf through their wedding album.

About Michele’s AI Profile

Michele’s black & white edit is inspired by the work of Ansel Adams who invented the Zonal System. You will always find pure whites, pure blacks and various shades of gray. Michele also draws inspiration from the hours he spent in the dark-room developing film, as he treats adjustments in Lightroom as he used to do with a durst enlarger. Depth is achieved through split toning and there is a subtle rich, warm tone effect which both flatters subjects and adds a sense of nostalgia.

View Michele’s Body Language B&W AI Profile

before and after Body Language B&W
before and after Body Language B&W
before and after Body Language B&W
before and after Body Language B&W
Bride and groom photo by Michele Dell’utri

“It’s always amazing seeing my AI profile replicate my editing choices when it is applied to new photos.”

Michele Dell‘utri//

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