Talking Photography Business Workflows with Mike Zawadzki

By Scott Wyden Kivowitz

Last updated on 01/13/2025

Mike Zawadzki photographs many weddings every month and year and has a lot of inquiries that come into his email inbox. He gets questions a year ahead of time, asking when he is getting to the wedding.

So what Mike did was create a detailed blog on his website detailing the wedding timeline related to photography. It covers first looks, getting ready, and all that comes during a typical wedding photography day.

The guide:

  • Is free for everyone to read on his website
  • Ranks well on search engines which is good for his website’s SEO overall
  • Helps his clients find the answers they want and boosts the authority of his photography business
  • Reduces the amount of emailing with clients he has to do

Have you done something similar? Comment to share.

Watch and listen to Mike Zawadzki talking about this in detail in a clip from episode 2 of our podcast, Workflows.

If you are interested in hearing more from Mike, including his post session workflow, listen to the full episode wherever you listen to podcasts or from the official Workflows podcast page.

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