Imagen How do you handle shooting in various lighting conditions during outdoor weddings? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

How do you handle shooting in various lighting conditions during outdoor weddings?

Asked 10 months ago

Greetings, photography aficionados! As we know, outdoor weddings often come with varying lighting conditions throughout the day. I'd love to hear how you tackle these fluctuations to maintain a consistent and beautiful look in your wedding photos. Whether it's adapting to changing sunlight, managing shadows, or using specific techniques, please share your insights on achieving stunning results in different outdoor lighting situations. Your wisdom will be greatly appreciated!

Leonard Lamb

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Consistency in wedding photography settings is key. Opt for the lowest aperture settings and adjust ISO or shutter speed as necessary. Maintain manual white balance, such as "cloudy," for consistent results across varying lighting conditions.

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