Imagen How do you ensure a soft look for edited outdoor wedding photos? – The Dark Room – Imagen Community

How do you ensure a soft look for edited outdoor wedding photos?

Asked 10 months ago

Greetings, photography enthusiasts! Achieving a soft and dreamy look in edited outdoor wedding photos is a beautiful style choice. I'd like to hear your methods and tricks for creating this effect. Whether it's through softening techniques, selective blurring, or other post-processing adjustments, please share your secrets for achieving a gentle and ethereal look in outdoor wedding photography. Your insights will be greatly appreciated!

Donovan Fitzgerald

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Achieve a pleasing aesthetic with a wide aperture that maintains subject focus while creating a softly blurred background. Seek soft, diffused lighting for an elegant and timeless ambiance. Post-processing adjustments can include lighting up shadows and enhancing clarity.

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