Sarah Edmunds

Love & Light

About Sarah

Sarah loves a challenge. When her first child was 9 months old, she gave herself 4 months to train for the New York marathon (not that she recommends it - she never ran again)! When her second child was born, she had an urge to complete a Master's degree in Italian translation. These challenges often involve a period of cursing and shouting "what was I thinking?" Originally from South Wales, UK, Sarah has always been self-employed but only got into photography nearing her 40s. It took over her mind and heart and was shooting her first wedding within 6 months. Now based in Italy; Sarah primarily shoots weddings in Lake Garda as well as portraits, fashion and commercial beauty. She also teaches photography and editing.

About Sarah’s AI Profile

Skin tones are considered in all adjustments, especially white balance. A neutral white balance is used for daytime, tending towards warmer for nighttime shots and a slightly cooler look for the studio. Clarity is raised but not excessively to ensure flattering portraits. You will notice adjustments in the basics panel to lift shadows and bring down highlights slightly to maximize dynamic range but not at the expense of a nice contrasty pop. Blacks are reduced to compensate for lifted shadows but a balance is maintained so that shadows are not clipped. Greens have added vibrancy by reducing the yellow in them. Reds are slightly darker leaning tones towards magenta. But these hue and saturation adjustments are very subtle and are intended to make the photo look better without a visible distortion of color. Sarah uses her own profile as her neutral base and then adds a custom Lightroom profile on-top for a final color grade. Her portraits are then further refined with Photoshop retouching.

View Sarah’s Love & Light AI Profile

Before and after Love & Light
Before and after Love & Light
Before and after Love & Light
Before and after Love & Light
A bride looking out at the water by Sarah Edmunds

“Discovering Imagen has been like someone inventing toilet paper. Simply essential and now life is unthinkable without it. I was going to quit weddings, and am now confidently looking forward to relaunching. I now know that those hellish years of editing backlogs are a thing of the past. I'm truly grateful.”

Sarah Edmunds// Portrait & Wedding Photographer, Italy

More photos by Sarah Edmunds

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$0.05 per photo. Incredible results at a minimal price.
Crop, Straighten and Subject Mask are each available at an extra $0.01 per photo.

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